How to Use the "Most Work-Life Balance Potential Issues" Widget

Work-life balance and overall employee wellness are some of the concerns that employers are facing today. Time Doctor’s Most work-life balance potential issues widget helps in seeing which employees potentially have issues with a balance between personal and professional life. 

What are the Potential Work-Life Balance Issues?

In the Beta version of the widget, each of the following counts as one potential work-life balance issue:

  • A day when an employee worked too many hours - more than a selected threshold. Default threshold: 9 hours. 
  • A day when an employee worked late hours - time was tracked after a specified hour in the user’s time zone. Default threshold hour: 8 PM. 
  • A day when an employee worked too many hours outside scheduled working times and the length of work outside their scheduled working times exceeds the specified threshold. Default threshold: 1h. This metric is only relevant when the “Work schedules” feature is used in the company. 
  • A day when an employee worked on a weekend day for more than 5 minutes. Note: you can specify which days should count as weekends in your company in “Company settings” - see the “Start week on” dropdown.

The total number of issues per employee is shown in the Most work-life balance potential issues widget in the Past 7 days and Past 30 days tabs of the Dashboard / Team Dashboard. For example, if a user worked too many hours for 2 days and worked on a weekend on one day, the user will have 3 potential work-life balance issues. 

The Widget

The Most work-life balance potential issues widget is available in the Past 7 days and Past 30 days tabs of the Dashboard / Team Dashboard. - please scroll down to the Top users section to see it.



The widget shows people who have the highest number of potential work-life balance issues, based on the rules specified for your company (the “Configuration” section below explains how to configure it). Unlike other widgets on the dashboard, this widget does not take into account the time zone selected at the top of the page and shows issues relative to each user’s time zone instead.

You can hover over each name on the widget and see what issues and how many instances of each issue the person had in the past 7 or 30 days. 


You can click on the name of the user to go to their dashboard to learn more about their work. 

Red emoticon means that there were more than 7 issues in the past 7 days.

Threshold (“minimum issues”)

Having a small number of work-life balance issues does not mean poor work-life balance. Therefore, the widget offers an option to specify the minimum number of issues a person has to have to appear on the widget.



Admins and owners can adjust thresholds for what counts as a work-life balance issue; for example, how many hours per day counts as too many hours. This can be done in Settings / Company Settings - see the Work-life balance metrics section there.


If any of the metrics do not apply to your company, you can exclude it by selecting N/A or setting a toggle to OFF (for Count work on weekends as a work-life balance issue).