RBI Compliance - How to Authenticate Recurring Time Doctor Subscription Charges

As of April 2021, issuing banks in India have started taking steps to block transactions that do not comply with the Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) directive on the processing of e-mandates for recurring transactions.

Due to this directive, our payment processor has made several changes to its API that should allow your payments to be successfully processed. During your next payment cycle, you may receive an invoice via email to authenticate the payment/payment method in case SCA is needed for your payment method. Once you authenticate your payment/payment method, the transaction should clear in our system, and you should have access to your Time Doctor account. 

Please rest assured that your Time Doctor account will continue to operate during this time. However, it is imperative that you acknowledge the notification from our payment processor and authenticate your payment method in order to keep your Time Doctor account up to date. Otherwise, you risk losing access to your account or having your subscription canceled.  

Below is an example of an email invoice that you may receive from us that will require you to confirm your payment:

If you have any questions regarding the new authorization process, please contact us at support@timedoctor.com.

We appreciate your understanding, and we are looking forward to answering any questions you may have.